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Athletics Ontario

Athletics Ontario (AO), formally The Ontario Track and Field Association (OTFA), has strongly supported the OT Fitness and the Fun in Athletics programs. Our combined goal to build provincial programs that offer the Fun In Athletics Team Competitions for all Ontario schools and sporting clubs. Athletics Ontario's club structure provides a pathway for all the OT Fitness Programs to introduce the joy of athletics to children.

Fun in Athletics became Athletics Ontario's Grass roots development program and in 2001 AO created a summer program that delivered the Fun in Athletics Agility Challenge around Ontario. With support from John Crag (Managing Director of AO) in 2003, International Fun and Team Athletics ( IFTA) was able to write and secure a 3 year grant from The Trillium Foundation. This grant was the start up capital that was needed to create INTERNATIONAL FUN AND TEAM ATHLETICS CANADA and to jump start the Agility Challenge program in Ontario schools. At the end of the the grant, IFTA had delivered the Agility Challenge and Team Competition programs to over 125,000 elementary, secondary and aboriginal school students, representing over 300 schools from all areas of Ontario - London, Ottawa, Toronto, North Bay, Sault St. Marie, Thunder Bay and to as far north as Sioux Lookout.

IFTA, with joint funding, later undertook on behalf of the (OTFA) and the Ministry Health promotion the Nishnawbe Aski Nation Northern Communities Development Project (Nan Project). The IFTA team visited 5 NAN community schools and set up 2 new areas of Ontario with the Instruction and equipment necessary for the Fun in Athletics program. In addition to this, the Thunder Bay Track clubs existing equipment was upgraded to a full competition inventory on behalf of (OTFA).

Throughout the past several years OT Fitness and Athletics Ontario have always had a great working relationship, by adding name branding for all Team Competition, World Marathon Challenge and Track and Field related activities. On July 11, 2012 Athletics Ontario employed OT Fitness to create the AO Track Challenge, bringing together 12 summer camps with 350 campers’- age 7 to 12- to participate in 10 track and field event in 2.5 hrs.

OT Fitness looks forward to our continued relationship with Athletics Ontario as the preferred Grass Roots Development Program.

For more information on Athletics Ontario and track related activities’ please follow the link.