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Track -Speed & Conditioning Training

OT Fitness offers track and field training for high school, university and national athletes.

The training year is divided into 3 periods


The training year is divided into 3 Sessions

2024 – Fall Session Coditioning Training
Monday September 16, 2024 – Friday December 20, 2024

2025 – Winter Session (Indoor competition)
Monday January 6, 2025 – Friday February 28, 2025

2025 – Spring Session (Outdoor Competition)
Monday March 3, 2025 – Friday August 1, 2025


September 16, 2024 – August  1, 2025
Training will be conducted at parks or open field for as long as weather permits

2024 – Fall Session Conditioning: Group training (Cario-Strenth-Techenique)
Monday September 16, 2024 – Wednesday October 9, 2024
Practice Days: Mondays and Wednesdays (5:00pm - 7:00pm)

Monday October 14, 2024 - Friday August 1, 2025 (Spicific Techenical Training)
Practice Days: Monday - Wednesday – possible Fridays (5:00pm - 7:00pm)
     Length of each practice time may fluctuate depending on workout 

Technical training may start after November 11, 2024

Payments : $420.00+hst (13%) $54.60= $474.60 each month
OT Fitness may offer a 3rd day at no cost (Saturday)

Technical session may include 3 or 4 other athletes of the same ability

PAYMENT PLAN PER SESSION:  Payment(s) are required at the beginning of each session / month

One to One
1 session per week = $110.00+13% HST ($14.30) = $124.30 payment per session

Monthly Payment (4 weeks)
2 sessions per week = $420.00 + HST ($54.60) = $474.60

The average length of a training session ranges from one hour (1hr) to 1.5hr)

E-Mail Transfer:
Cheques: Payable to Milt Ottey
Cash: Payment required the first practice of each month

(Fees paid to OT Fitness are for coaching of athletes ONLY.


  1. It is the responsibility of the athlete / client to attend the designated DATE and TIME of a training session. In the event of any cancelation that is beyond OT Fitness’s control (i.e. facility closures, inclement weather) OT Fitness is not responsible for loss of time. However we will strive to arrange a suitable make-up session if warranted
  2. It is the responsibility of athlete/client to arrive at workout / practice on time and in appropriate workout attire.    
  3. OT Fitness would appreciate advance notice of any athlete not attending training session
  4. OT Fitness recomend that athletes arrive at least 20 minutes before start time to start warming up before the training time.  This will maximize the training time.


Metro Toronto Track and field Complex (York University) 
4700 Keele Street 416-392-2519

Facility Closures 
Government Holidays / Track Meets

OT Fitness will try and have practice session over the Christmas Break

March Break:    Date Pending
OT Fitness will have practice session over the break (Depending on athlete)

Summer:  August – September
OT Fitness will be on vacation during the Months of August to mid-September. We will resume training the 2nd week of September.

Track Club Affiliation

If an athlete wishes to participate in provincial track meets, they must be registered with  Athletics Ontario (AO).  Cost at Client / Athletes own responsibility.

Fees for facility entrance, parking and any other costs associated with training or (local, regional or national) competitions are the Client / Athletes own responsibility.

If an athlete wishes to join another club, we would recommend Project Athletics, as we have a great working relationship with them.  (Separate club fees will apply)


It is understood that the athlete assumes a certain amount of risk when participating in any physical activity. Due to the nature of high performance training, athletes may suffer: sore muscles, minor aches & pains, scratches, muscle pulls, muscle strains and possible serious injuries.

OT Fitness staff will strive to ensure that all equipment and facilities are safe and in working order.

Athletes are encouraged to be vigilant of their surroundings and to take care when using any equipment. Athletes and coaches are encouraged to report unsafe or potentially unsafe situations to both OT Fitness and facility management.

OT Fitness staff will explain and demonstrate the proper usage of all equipment and its functions.  Athletes are encouraged to pay attention when given instructions and to ask questions when in doubt of procedures.

OT Fitness strives to ensure that all coaches working under its banner are CPR Certified and are working towards coaching certification (NCCP) The National Coaching Certification Program.

Athletes/Clients are encouraged to inform OT Fitness coaching staff of any changes in health, medications or medical recommendation from their physician, physiotherapists, chiropractor, or related health professional.

Athletics Ontario (AO) has liability coverage for any of its registered members that may have sustained injuries during a sanctioned activity (supervised workout or competition).  Athletes are encouraged to register with the AO; either as a Competitive or Non-Competitive member. To register visit the Athletics Ontario website.

Athletes/Clients may wish to purchase additional insurance at their discretion.

For more information on or track training programs please E-Mail us or  contact our office 416-388-5350